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Simple Keys to Guest Satisfaction


You want your guests to have a memorable stay and to never think twice about basic comforts. That’s what cutting-edge hospitality design and construction is all about. Brandt uses the latest construction technology to create “quiet and invisible” building systems that keep guests focused on the amenities that count.

Efficiency Breeds Affordable Operations

We can accelerate your overall construction to get you earning revenue sooner. We know how to get you up and running on time, the first time. When we help design your project, we look for high-efficiency LEED or Energy Star solutions that help you save money today and over time. In today’s hospitality market, sustainable design is a point of differentiation that clients value. We have the expertise to make it happen.

Once the doors are open, our highly skilled crews offer maintenance and repair services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We keep your staff and your business focused on your guests and not on your building. You focus on the customer experience, and we’ll take care of the infrastructure.